The Jerry Rice 127 Foundation provides financial support to agencies and organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond dedicated to helping children and their families. Established in 1994, the goal of the 127 Foundation is simple: to help all children be the best they can be –give them hope and support to overcome life’s challenges and live up to their potential.
Our /belief is that children will make better choices in life, securing a brighter future, through the support of strong role models, encouragement and of course, love.

Jerry is strongly committed to giving back to the community. Feeling blessed by the love andsupport the public has given him throughout the years, Jerry is active in supporting severalfoundations and organizations that are doing phenomenal work for the good of others.
The Jerry Rice 127 Foundation
The 8 to 80 Zones project is a collaboration between Jerry Rice and Steve Young that provide youth living in underserved communities the skills to pursue careers in technology and media. This project not only allows for artistic expression, but also affords students the opportunity to gain training on industry-standard equipment and software in the areas of television, radio, voice recording and graphic design.
The uniqueness of the 8 to 80 Zones provides additional fundraising opportunities for the centers in which they are located. Jerry and Steve are looking forward to building more 8 to 80 Zones centers in the upcoming year.
March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies. Jerry served as Honorary Chairman for the Greater Bay Area Walk America Campaign forthree years: 1992, 1993, and 1994. He served as National Celebrity Team Walk Chairman for 1995.
Jerry and his wife, Jackie, toured the Alta Bates Hospital neonatal intensive care unit in April of 1994 on behalf of the March of Dimes. Jerry has recorded/filmed numerous radio/PSAspots for the March of Dimes for the past few years.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area (BBBSBA) provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better. The goal of BBBSBA is to empower children in the Bay Area to achieve their unlimited potential with the inspiring guidance of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Jerry has donated funds to support the great cause this program is promoting.
Omega Boys Club/Street Soldiers aims to provide San Francisco youth with educational opportunities and support that will keep them away from violent and criminal circles, and help them aspire to grow and progress in life. The organization’s goal is to make a difference in young people’s lives through day-to-day personal contact and programs for academic development and life-skills education. Jerry expressed his admiration to the organization’s work by donating funds to maintain the remarkable work it is performing.